Forge a path into AI with me!
I’m a Senior CloudOps Engineer / SRE and Self-Taught Machine Learning Engineer. I share content on YouTube and send useful information in my monthly newsletter.
YouTube Channel
I’m sharing what I learn on my journey into the world of AI. You can expect to find explanations of ML theory, code tutorials, ML advice, and more!
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Let’s forge our paths into the World of AI together.
Learn the Fundamental Machine Learning Algorithms
What You’ll Get:
- A list of key machine learning terminology
- An overview of how to apply machine learning
- Clear explanations of the fundamental machine learning algorithms (with math!)
- Code examples for each algorithm in the popular scikit-learn python library
I will also very occasionally send you emails with more valuable content.
Recent Articles
How Feedback Loops Lead to Rapid Transformation in AI and Life
Hey! A feedback loop is a powerful mental model that can lead to rapid transformation when it’s exploited. In this newsletter, let’s break down a fundamental concept in AI and machine learning – gradient descent. In doing so, we’ll explore how feedback loops are vital to machine learning and how
Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling
Summary: A moving story is designed to convey a single moment in time (climax), it shows a transformation of a character (arc), and keeps the audience engaged through techniques like stakes and surprise.
Wisdom From the Average: A Powerful ML Frame of Mind
Hey! In machine learning, “regression to the mean” is an important concept for evaluating models. Simply put, regression to the mean is the idea that unusual events are often followed by more typical ones. Consider the following scenario. A machine learning engineer, or data scientist, trains a model on some
Blinded By Expertise: Avoid Bias in AI and Life
Hey! In machine learning (ML), there is a balance between applying your expertise and acting as if you know nothing. Expertise can be a powerful tool when deciding what information you should train your ML algorithm with, but it can lead to consequential biases. Your expertise can bias you away
Explore vs Exploit: Navigate Your Path to Success Like an RL Agent
Hey! Reinforcement learning (RL) is a type of machine learning where an “agent” learns to make decisions by trial and error. The agent needs to balance trying new things (exploring) with performing in ways that have worked in the past (exploiting). If all the agent does is explore, then it